
Rates are subject to change without notice. Foreign exchange rates on cash and/or drafts change frequently. Please contact our office for most recent rates.

Prime Rate Rates
Prime Rate 7.20%
Savings Rates
Monthly Savings Plan 1.25%
Power Savings Plan up to $5,000 1.00%
Power Savings Plan $5,001-$10,000 1.00%
Power Savings Plan $10,001-$25,000 1.00%
Power Savings Plan $25,001-$50,000 1.00%
Power Savings Plan up to $50,001-$100,000 1.00%
Power Savings Plan $100,001 and up 2.00%
Mortgages Rates
1 Year (Open) 9.75%
1 Year 7.75%
2 Years 7.375%
3 Years 6.75%
4 Years 6.750%
5 Years 6.50%

Should the rates on this website differ from our internal posted rates, the posted rates shall be deemed the correct rates.